Title: Robots Dream: Human Consciousness and Morality in the Digital Age / Medium: Spoken Word Performance and Interactive VJ Interface / Year: 2013

++ Title of Conference: Union for Democratic Communication/Project Censured Conference.  Location: San Francisco, CA. Date: Nov. 1st, 2013. 
++ Title of Conference: Performance and Communication Symposium.Location: St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. Date: October 21st. . 

In  this piece,  I perform a spoken word poem with two other actors while a live video is projected upon us. The audience  is  in control of  the images projected, and is given  the  freedom to spontaneously edit together viral Vine videos using a computer keyboard.  The spoken word piece reflects on mediation and on human non-verbal communication in an increasingly digitized world. Through these juxtapositions, I attempt to aggravate the fuzzy borderland between reality and  its flattened  simulacrum: the Internet.  
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